About MeProjects
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Dungeon Crusaders is a Dungeon Crawler Game available on the Roblox Platform. I have spent roughly the past year and a half developing this game, and it has found some success. Today Dungeon Crusaders has achieved over 2M visits from players all around the world and has achieved over 400 concurrent players. The game has been featured by large youtubers such as Accemption, MozKing, etc. Thanks to the game’s success, I’ve been able to have a stable income while working on my studies. This project has allowed me to work with my own schedule, which is very important as a Computer Science & Math major.
Skills Gained
  • Fluency in the Lua Scripting Language
  • Modular Scripting
  • Working in Large Teams
  • Communication
  • Working on a Long-Term Project
  • Being one of the owners of a Discord Server containing 5000 Members
  • Control Flow of the Project