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The Euler Totient Function. Using Erlang, which is known to be a functional backend Programming Language, this program will count all the elements in the Reduced Set of Residues of an Integer n. Otherwise, the client enters the n for Φ(n). This program was my project for the Organization of Programming Languages course offered at Bloomsburg.

Mathematical Background

In Number Theory, the Reduced Set of Residues is known to be the set of all elements relatively prime to n. In Mathematical notation, this can be written as:

Φ(n)=|{n ∈ Z+ | 1 ≤ x ≤ n and gcd(x, n) = 1}|

That is, for example: Φ(24) = 8.
Note that this is the number of elements relatively prime to 24:
RSR = {1, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23}


We have been studying general concepts of programming languages. The goal of this project is for you to apply these concepts in learning a new programming language. Our Programs goal was to illustrate these five aspects:

Presentation PDF